Saving money is not easy thing, especially when you have not enough money for meeting everyday fundamental needs. Very often people complain that they earn to less they should, but sometimes their complaining is not adequate to the level of their salaries. They rail, because they like it. It’s some kind of their manner. But let’s set it aside and go back to saving. When we have for example middle-level wages or more, saving money is quite easy. The problem is when we have very low salaries, then it’s really hard to save money, but we must know that there is no stalemate.
I would say that saving money is the way of thinking and very often our situation depends on what kind of people we surround and how much they influence us (actually that’s general principle not only referred to saving). Very important is also the level of knowledge we have on finances and math. The rest of conditions that determine our savings are:
- priorities on our shopping-list and
- profits from price-reductions on the goods we really need.
Very helpful in this process is awareness of two opposite notions: consumption and investment.
Consumption is frequently connected with pleasure and gives you no income in the future. So you exchange money for pleasure at once.
Investment is when you are able to wait for bigger piece of pleasure in the future. So you exchange money for pleasure in the future.
Understanding of these two definitions has considerable influence on our mind and helps us saving and investing to have better position in the future.